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How to Support Our Trees

If you want to help with establishing more trees in Marblehead, there are a few excellent options. 


Your Property’s Trees 

Pruning trees and shrubs on your property enhances and lengthens their lives. Add a tree to your yard, if possible. Here’s an article on how to How to Plant a Tree. UMass Amherst also provides a valuable resource on planting for resilience. Email us with your tree questions. We are happy help!


Your Neighborhood’s Trees 

Many neighborhood street trees are dying or need replacing. Email the Marblehead Tree Warden if you see a tree that needs care or replacing. 


Donate to Support Planting Town Trees 

Donate to Marblehead’s Tree Donation Fund to help replace our many 60+ year old street trees. Please mail or drop off a check payable to the Town of Marblehead to:


Marblehead Tree Department Attn: Tree Donation Fund
3 Tower Way
Marblehead, MA 01945 


Donate to Marblehead Recreation & Parks Department’s Rememberance & Recognition Landscaping Fund 

The Recreation & Parks Department has a new restricted Landscaping Fund that supports specific planting projects in our parks. Your donation can support the general fund or specific projects in the name of a person or an organization. You can also apply to donate a special recognition tree or shrub. Donate Here or write a check to Marblehead Recreation & Parks Department with a Memo “Landscaping Fund.” Send to: 


Marblehead Recreation & Parks Department

10 Humphrey Street
Marblehead, MA 01945 


Donate to the Marblehead Housing Authority

Our housing authority has five senior housing properties and three family / low-income properties. All need support to increase social gathering spaces, provide safe access to outdoor spaces, and reduce heat islands. Large and mid-sized native trees as well as large planters/raised beds are needed for all the properties. Comfortable seating and picnic tables with umbrellas are also in short supply. Consider helping our fellow citizens with the social support they need by donating to  Contact the housing authority for more details at  781.631.2580 or


Volunteer Opportunities 


a) Plant trees and shrubs with Sustainable Marblehead by signing up to volunteer in our Town Trees and Urban Forestry working Group. Select “Town Trees” at the bottom and we will keep you informed. 


b) You can also help with trail maintenance, forestry health, and plantings by joining the Marblehead Conservancy


c) Join our Street Tree Inventory team and help us record the health, species, and location of each street tree in Marblehead. Send an email to to get more information and on the list. 


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