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Our Mission and Vision

Sustainable Marblehead is offering free coaching (with trained community volunteers) for residents and building owners to learn about, plan for, and initiate steps such as adoption of home/building weatherization, efficient electric heat pump technologies, electric vehicles, solar, and/or other adaptations for our clean energy future.


Just a few of the many advantages of developing a clean energy plan for your home:


  • Incentives exist for these energy upgrades through Mass Save and Federal tax incentives.

  • Property values can increase with improved weatherization, on-site solar, and cold-climate electric heat pumps. Some energy improvements can provide a buffer against the price volatility of fossil fuels.

  • Indoor air quality improves, reducing the negative health impacts of fossil fuel use, in particular on elders and children.

  • Reduction of planet-warming carbon emissions to help protect the earth for future generations.


Please fill out this form to be contacted by an Energy Coach. We look forward to helping you on your way to cleaner energy! If you have questions, please email

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