Our Mission and Vision
We are committed to working with the Marblehead community to create awareness and inspire demonstrable action to protect our harbor and ocean.

Ocean Week
Below are some resources to help you Take Action to protect our harbor and shared ocean. It all counts!

Shrink Wrap
We encourage boat owners to consider alternatives to shrink wrap when storing their boats for the winter. If you do use shrink wrap, please ask your boat yard if it recycles. If not please take your plastic to the recycling bin for shrink wrap at the Transfer Station. Learn more here

Green Boating
We are committed to offering boaters and sailors practical green boating content through our partnership with Sailors for the Sea. For a free download of their Green Boating Guide, visit Sailors for the Sea.
Green Boaters are part of a leading community of ocean conservationists that are taking action to address pressing ocean health issues. Take the Green Boating Pledge today!

Ocean Plastic Reduction
Plastic accumulating in our oceans and on our beaches has become a global crisis. Billions of pounds of plastic converging together make up about 40 percent of the world’s ocean surfaces. At current rates, plastic is expected to outweigh the fish in the sea by 2050. More information at the Center for Biological Diversity.

Drainage Education
When it rains or snows, pollutants collect in our harbor and water bodies, directly or through storm drains. Stormwater pollutants include sentiment, nutrients from fertilizers and bacteria from animal waste. These pollutants may have the biggest impact on our local water bodies.
Sustainable Marblehead in partnership with the Department of Public Works, previously ran an Adopt-a-Drain program to help keep our storm drains clear of debris and our water clean.
Recent Accomplishments
Working group formed in Spring 2020 under the name Our Harbor, One Ocean to work with the Marblehead community to create awareness and inspire action to protect our harbor and ocean.
Launched a Green Boating Awareness campaign in collaboration with Sailors for the Sea, to highlight best practices for environmentally friendly boating.
Engaged a diverse group of harbor stakeholders including town officials, local businesses and a wide range of recreational and commercial boating organizations to inform the public about water quality.
Collaborated with Massachusetts Marine Trades Association to promote marine shrink wrap recycling solutions to area boat yards.
In partnership with SPUR, co-sponsor a Land and Sea Cleanup annually.
Join Us
Meet time: Second Thursdays spring & summer, 6:30-7:30 p.m. via Zoom
Leader(s): Steve Wolf
Email: harbor@sustainablemarblehead.org